Monday, June 29, 2020

Benefit of swimming

Assalamualaikum everyone, so today im going to share about the benefits of swimming because swimming is actually an excellent way to exercise for any age and ability.  Here are 3 benefits to swimming that demonstrate how swimming can aid your health and fitness.

Low impact

Swimming offers something no other aerobic exercise does the ability to work your body without high impact to your bones and muscles. When the human body is submerged in water, it automatically becomes lighter. If you are immersed just to the waist your body bears only 50% of your weight. Sink to your neck and let the water bear up to 90% of your body weight. This also means that the pool provides an ideal place to work stiff muscles and sore joints

 Increased Muscle Tone and Strength

Ever see an overweight dolphin? We didn't think so. That's because swimming is a great way to increase muscular strength and muscle tone, especially compared to several other aerobic exercises. Take running, for example. When a jogger takes few laps around the track, that jogger is only moving his or her body through air. A swimmer, on the other hand, is propelling through water, a substance about twelve times as dense as air. That means that every kick and every arm stroke becomes a resistance exercise and it's well known that resistance exercises build muscle tone and strength.

 Improved Flexibility

Unlike exercise machines in a gym that tend to isolate one body part at a time (like a bicep curl machine, for example) swimming puts the body through a broad range of motion that helps joints and ligaments stay loose and flexible. The arms move in wide arcs, the hips are engaged as the legs scissor through the water, and the head and spine twist from side to side. Plus, with every stroke, as you reach forward, you're lengthening the body, which not only makes it more efficient in the water; it also helps give you a good stretch from head to toe.

Thats all from me. Thank you. 

Tuesday, June 16, 2020

Fainting treatment

Fainting occurs when your brain temporarily doesn't receive enough blood supply, causing you to lose consciousness. This loss of consciousness is usually brief. Fainting might have no medical significance. Or the cause can be a serious disorder, often involving the heart. Therefore, treat loss of consciousness as a medical emergency until the signs and symptoms are relieved, and the cause is known. Talk to your doctor if you faint more than once.

If someone else faints

Position the person on his or her back. If there are no injuries and the person is breathing, raise the person's legs above heart level about 12 inches (30 centimeters) if possible. Loosen belts, collars or other constrictive clothing.

To reduce the chance of fainting again, don't get the person up too quickly. If the person doesn't regain consciousness within one minute, call 911 or your local emergency number.

Check for breathing. If the person isn't breathing, begin CPR. Call 911 or your local emergency number. Continue CPR until help arrives or the person begins to breathe.

If the person was injured in a fall associated with a faint, treat bumps, bruises or cuts appropriately. Control bleeding with direct pressure.

Tuesday, June 9, 2020

How badminton helps your body

Hello everyone, as we know badminton is a great sport for getting your whole body working hard. I love to play badminton since my childhood. So here, are the top of health benefit from badminton sport. 

Good physique and toning of muscles

One among the important benefits of badminton is that it tones your muscles. Everybody loves a lean and petite figure, with the curves and leanness efficiently balanced in the right proportions, irrespective of one’s size or weight. This lean frame can be achieved by muscle toning, wherein the main focus lies on shaping up the muscles and cutting down the excess fat rather than bulking up on more muscle. There are fancy equipment in the gym, that help you in toning the muscles, which when used punctually can help you achieve fantastic results, But what if I tell you, that you can tone your muscles without even knowing it? Interesting, right? Well. it's quite simple. Just play badminton! Yes, all that running, the hand movements and different postures during the play help you tone your muscles, especially the butt, hamstrings, quads and glutes.


We know that stretching helps improve flexibility and flexibility helps reduce muscle soreness and the risk of injuries. The importance of badminton too cannot be denied when it comes to improving flexibility, for a game like this purely involves swinging and reach of the player, which in turn develops great flexibility and agility within the player.

Muscle endurance and strength

release stress out Muscle endurance helps you perform physical tasks for a longer duration without getting tired. One of the most important benefits of playing badminton sincerely and not as a one-time thing is that it improves muscle endurance and stamina. This is usually evident with the fact that it may so happen that playing for a mere 20 minutes or so will leave you breathless by the end, but as you keep playing regularly that threshold of 20 minutes may gradually expand to 1-2 hours with time.

Tuesday, June 2, 2020

Healthy breakfast

Hello everyone, so today lets talk about a healthy breakfast that we can take to eat. Despite what you may have heard, eating breakfast isn't necessary for everyone. In fact, skipping breakfast may be better than eating unhealthy breakfast foods. However, a nutritious, well-balanced breakfast can give you energy and prevent you from eating too much during the rest of the day.

 Here are the best foods you can eat in the morning.

1. Egg

2. Greek Yogurt 

3. Coffee

4. Oatmeal

5. Chia seeds 

6. Berries

7. Nuts 

8. Fruits


Assalamualaikum and hello everyone. So lastly for today. Im going to share with u guys the rules about hammer throw. If we want to do the ha...
