Assalamualaikum and hai everyone, if u guys still remember last week that i gave some information about relay race so today im gonna share to u guys about some drills to build sprinting speed in order to perform the relay race very well. Let's get started! 😘
1. A - skips
This simple yet effective movement is great for priming the body for explosive movement. The Skip exaggerates that push-off force from the ground at the ball of the foot. When you do this drill, it's important to maintain dorsiflexion in your foot as you raise it to your opposite knee. Keep an erect torso and swing your hands in opposition to your legs. Begin by marching slowly, feeling out each portion of the drill. Once you have it down, proceed to the Skip.
2. Wall drills
This is another great drill to promote explosive movement. Like the A-Skip, the leg must come up at a 90-degree angle. The difference is that you are leaning forward. The power line spine, hip and leg alignment should be at a 45-degree angle. Hands should be placed firmly against the wall. Heels should be slightly off the ground, just enough to slide a piece of paper underneath. Engage your core the entire time, and don't allow your hips to slip back. Progression of the drill moves from a simple March through to a 4-count switch. Stay on the balls of your feet and maintain dorsiflexion of the foot.
3. Hurdle mobility drills
These drills serve as a great warm-up for both hurdlers and
sprinters. My two favorite variations are the lead leg and the alternating leg.
Both do an excellent job of opening up the hip flexors, which aids mobility.
This is usually a bigger issue for female athletes, so I have my girls run
through these drills every day. Another reason hurdle mobility drills are great
for all athletes is that core stabilization is needed to execute the movements
properly. Maintain an erect posture and lift your leg high to swing it over the
hurdle. Your hips should not pivot. Go through the drill slowly at first. As
you become more comfortable with the movement, pick up the pace.
There u go, i hope these 3 drills can help u to perform the relay race. U should do these drills for many times. Thank you!